Metal Politics Taiwan 台灣政治重金屬

I was helping with the translation of this film, but due to political issue I never had chance to see it in cinema in Taiwan. If anyone who see this article and have this precious documentary, please tell me and give me an opportunity to watch it…..

這部片不是我拍的,我只是其中的共筆翻譯之一。當初會參與翻譯是因為我妹參加了Marco Wilms在北藝大的講座後,覺得很崇拜他在埃及自己冒險犯難的紀錄的政治運動,也買了Art War的書籍,所以問我要不要協助他做共筆翻譯




00:00我在這邊其實不只這樣,我同時也是台美聯誼會的副會長,會長是蕭美琴。I am also the vice-president of Taiwan-US Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association, the president is Hsiao Bi-khim.
00:10我們在這裡當然,長期的,尤其是時代力量跟民進黨對國家的一些看法,以及希望國家成為一個正常化的立場,其實我們是比較一致的,即便在某一些特定議題上面我們看法不一致。Here of course , for long term, New Power Party and DDP see eye to eye about normalizing Taiwan’s nationality. Even though we have different opinions on other issues.
00:28我們團長也說了很多,在台灣成為一個正常國家之前有很多實際的交流還是要努力。因為不正常,所以我們有很多的參與國際組織的困難。The chief of our delegation also mentioned a lot. We need to strive more on international exchanges to become a sovereign state. Because we are not sovereign state yet, we have problem joining international organizations.
00:43但是,在這之前,其實我們應該要加強國防的交流、經貿的交流、文化的交流跟合作,這個我想我們都有一致的看法。We should put more effort on military , economy and cultural exchanges. I think we both have agreement with that.
00:52川普都已經在挑戰一中政策。我想長期來講,我們台灣如果要成為一個正常的國家的話,當然也希望可以跟美國有正常的外交關係。所以我在這邊也很樂見、希望美國在檢討一中政策可以更有勇氣。Donald Tramp have been challenging One China Policy. For long term, I am happy to see the USA works toward One China Policy. We wish Taiwan become an sovereign state to establish an official diplomatic relation with the USA.  
01:22尤其目前一中政策的問題會留在台灣,跟美國有很大的關係。戰後,台灣之所以不能像韓國和菲律賓成為一個正常的國家,有一中問題,其實是因為美國為首的同盟國留在台灣的歷史問題,但是那個歷史背景跟現在台灣作為民主國家,已經是完全脫鉤,無法真實反映真實台灣作為一個民主國家的存在,其實美國不管在媒體上、或是川普本身願意挑戰一中的議題,我想這對台灣長期來講的利益,應該是對台美關係的正常化有幫助的。The problem of One China Policy in Taiwan have a lot to do with the US. The reason why Taiwan can’t be a sovereign state like Korea and Philippine after WW2 is because of the Ally Forces, which was led by the USA, had stayed in Taiwan. But this historical background is too far from now, it has nothing to do with the current status of Taiwan as a sovereign state.
02:15最後我還是再次強調,很高興可以跟院長(註:前行政院長游錫坤) 、還有我們這次的團員來這邊拜訪,以上的立場,我想我在未來不只是代表我自己,也很期待台灣能夠更穩健地參與這個國際的關係,謝謝大家,謝謝。Finally  , I am glad to visit here with our former premier and delegates. The speech above not only stand for myself but also Taiwan. I am looking forward to see Taiwan joining international affairs more steady.Thank you.


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